A Place to Heal, Grow, and Learn.
Readings, Spiritual Life Coaching, Counseling and Therapy Sessions
Readings, Counseling, Reiki
Reiki , Visualization Sessions,
Chakra/Light Therapy
& Reiki Practitioner Certification
Reiki Sessions
Reiki is a form of energy healing. Everything in this beautiful world has an energy field around it and in it. Translated "Rei" is the Japanese word meaning "universal" and "ki" meaning life force energy. Together "Reiki" means "Universal Life Force Energy."
Reiki healing is a non-invasive energy healing technique used to channel the universal life force energy through the practitioner to the client. There are a variety of ways this can be performed using a hands-on or hands-off approach. Energy fields can be disrupted as a result of many different things. Life events, illness, daily worries and struggles can all contribute to a disruption in our bodies. As universal life force energy moves through the practitioner and into the client it knows exactly where to heal and how to heal the disruption. This experience is truly magical. At The Mindful Rabbit, we use a hands-off (hands are above the client's body) approach. Please note, Reiki does NOT replace the need to seek and use the directions from your medical physician. However, Reiki can be safely added as a compliment to medical treatments. Reiki is also a great way to open blockages in money, intimacy, manifestation, relationships, and your career.
$45 for 30 minutes
Reiki is performed by appointment,
call or text to schedule 631-335-0336
Visualization/Meditation Sessions
There are so many reasons we all need to take time to visualize. Research has shown that those who visualize regularly have generally less health issues, less stress, and achieve their goals and intentions. Through visualization you will be able to open up your mind and manifest your goals and desires. Visualization can also connect you to your guides and angels.
Everyone CAN visualize and SHOULD visualize daily.
During our sessions you will learn how to listen to guided meditation and learn how to visualize when you are alone. I will teach you how to create and set end scenarios using visualization as the path to manifestation. There is a reason why powerful CEOs and Olympic athletes use visualization as their daily practice-and the reason is because it WORKS!
If you are ready to quantum changes visualization is for you.
Private sessions $50 for 30 minutes
With a Friend $45 each participant
All sessions are 1/2 hour.
Chakra & Crystal Healing with Light Therapy
This relaxing private session offers your body emotional and
physical re-alignment using crystal healing properties with light therapy.
Chakra healing can help reduce emotional and physical stress and bring in positive energy into your life. Let your chakras heal as you lay under the seven colored chakra lights and fall into meditation. The crystal light bed is a vibrational energy healing tool that helps balance the physical, emotional, and spiritual areas of the body. Our light bed therapy is non-invasive and incorporates LED lights to activate your chakras. Crystals are placed around you to clear and align your chakra centers. Comfy loose clothing should be worn during your session. Once you are set on the light bed you will be alone in the therapy room to enjoy a 30 min relaxing experience. The use of essential oils and candles can be incorporated if desired.
After your 30 min, we will provide you with an ice-cold bottle of
water to end your session.
These sessions are not to be used in place of
medical care -please seek a doctor for all medical conditions.
Sessions usually last about 30 minutes and are $45
Reiki I,II, Reiki Master Certification
Become a practitioner!
Interested in adding to your current wellness practices or just starting on your wellness business journey? We offer Reiki I & II and Reiki Master attunements.
Each level prepares you for the next stage of learning and confidence to begin a wellness career
offering Reiki for others.
Attunements are offered each month as a class
(call for dates) and can also be offered
individually to fit your schedule.
Levels I ($195), II ($195) and
Reiki Master $200 All three classes include
textbook and supplies to help
you start your reiki business!
These certifications can be scheduled as
one-on-one sessions with me or bring a friend or two!
We also offer a
Reiki Master Teacher Certification
please call for prerequisites in order
to take this course